måndag 17 november 2014

Music in Fuxing Park

We started off in the park. With all these people that are singing, dancing, excercising and just having fun. The park is the neighbourhood's living room. I just love hanging out there!

söndag 16 november 2014

Sunday in Hongqiao

Emma and Marcus practised some Yoga in the morning.

Caroline had her 6 year party! 3 hours of fun!

Anna and I wen't to the Pearl Market. 

lördag 15 november 2014

Anna is here!!

She arrived at Wednesday. So it has been busy days since then. Celebrating her birthday, shopping and lot's of fun!

torsdag 13 november 2014

The days just fly by..

Last Saturday we wen't out for a spontaneous dinner at Blue Frog with Yoga Malin and family. Well that is her nickname here.  Me, I am just Malin. Or that's what I think at least..

fredag 7 november 2014

Bingo shopping mall

Catrin and I tried out the sushi place. It was fun with the rolling sushi band. And we had to order on a little computer by the table. Lunch for 2, 87 Rmb. And most of all, we had so much fun!
We had Ella over in the afternoon. She decided that she also wanted a cat. Not so sure  that Anna and Nathan thinks that is such a good idea.

Bracelet's done!

Finally, after many hours of work. My 2 silver bracelet's are done! It feel's so good! I just wanna create more jewelry! 

An evening walk in the bad air. Not sure if it is good to walk or not.. But me, Anna and Lina did it anyway.

torsdag 6 november 2014

Darling Emma

She came home feeling tired at Monday afternoon from school. So she stayed home with me for 2 days. She wanted to clean her Wendy house one of the day's.

We took a walk with Lisbeth to do some errands at our local market.

Our local shoe maker fixed a pair of shoes for 5 Rmb!

At the orphanage

We had a nice time with the kids at the orphanage today. Or as nice as it now can  be.. I hope I can do something for them so that they get a better life! Step 1, glasses for the children who needs it. And glasses are not so expensive here, so if you feel like sponsoring a pair of glasses for a child. Just send me an e-mail malinnordblom@hotmail.com

Lazy family

Sunday was just one nice lazy day. We ended the day with a dinner at Geneva with the Galsgaards. 

tisdag 4 november 2014

Scary Halloween

Melker the psycho, and Emma as Elsa from Frozen.

Frederik and Melker looked really good.. The most scary place in the compound was at Els and Phil's place. Wicked butcher!!

Me and Lars did our best to scare the kids;)

Halloween at Windsor Place

So as fast as Annika and Lucas had left, I started to decorate our front for tonight's Halloween at Windsor Place.

söndag 2 november 2014


Dags för Annka och Lucas att åka hem till Sverige! Vi har haft så kul!! Tack för besöket!!!!

lördag 1 november 2014


Last night with Annika and Lucas.


We picked up the kids from their school's so that Lucas and Annika could see them.
And the to Cartoony Game land:


So I was helping out in Emma's class for halloween. 

Emma dressed up as Elsa in Frozen, me? Just an ordinary witch;)

With her best friend from class, Rianna